It was so easy to find something about Victor James Crosby. I simply ‘Googled’ his name and up he came! A park had been named after him in the little town of Fontana Liri. I arranged to meet some local people and a trip down there produced information which had been held in the Town Hall. Crosby was the victim of a War Crime and this is well documented int he National Archives, London. A testimony given to the War Crimes Commission led to the identification of the site of his original grave, and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission confirmed that they had collected a serviceman from that point and had reburied him in Cassino War Cemetery as an unknown sailor. As a result of my research and that of Ten. Col. Carlo Venditti it was possible to confirm that the grave was his.

Roy Charlton Elliot was also easy to find, as a family member had posted his story in the BBC’s The People’s War series.

The vicissitudes leading to the tragic death of William Holt were revealed by his close friend and fellow sufferer Andrew White Robertson, who wrote at length on the matter in his Liberation Report, held in the National Archives, London.

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