During the last week of September I made a trip to Turin to meet the daughter of a prisoner who was being held in POW Camp (PG) 112/2 near Turin. He escaped at the time of the Italian armistice (8 September 1943), was looked after by a family for over a year, and unlike other unfortunate individuals in my book managed to cross the Alps into France in December 1944.  For details of other works of mine dealing with prisoners of war see my website

A few days later I visited the site of Camp (PG) 52 at Pian di Coreglia near Calvari in Liguria with the relative of another prisoner who was held there for a short time after having been transferred from PG 65 Gravina near Altamura in Puglia. After the Italian Armistice he escaped from the train which was taking him to A German Stalag and was sheltered and helped by two families in Paitone, near Prevalle in Lombardy.

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