This week I received an email from the nephew of one of the soldiers

This week I received an email from the nephew of one of the soldiers who died behind the lines and whose photograph I used in my book. He wrote:
How marvellous ! What a work of research ! How on earth did you do it ?  I cannot say that I enjoyed it – it was not supposed to be enjoyed. But what a story of heroism and horror and waste –as Marlene Dietrich sang – "When will they ever learn?"

Another of my readers wrote:

"I’ve just received my copy, and begun to dip into it, and am amazed at all the historical  details and events you describe.  I had no idea, as no one has referred to this aspect before, except for yourself, so it must be a very valued document for so many families whose relatives were involved.  Also, of course as an essential military record.

You have obviously put in an incredible amount of work, energy and emotion into all this.  You must have almost lived the events as you recorded them. I know it would have greatly affected me.  

I have to congratulate you most sincerely on your book."

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